Each civilization in Aesgar has unique expressions and slang – yet somehow nearly all of these are crude in context. As trade and communication have improved, slang terms and expressions have cross-pollinated across every major culture.
the big black – an ancient Elurian slang for space, still commonly used among pilots and other starship personnel.
byter – a common slang for a computer or hacker, derived from bytes of data. The term has been around so long that it has gone from slang to the accepted norm.
Chorodemon – a racial slur against Chorodemarii, based on their bright red hair, pointed ears, and golden eyes.
If this term is used within earshot of a Chorodemarii, the speaker does not generally live much longer.
civ/civvie – an oft-contemptuous military slang for civilians.
crystal – a Terran expression used to show acknowledgement of a statement or command.
dragon’s dreck – an expression of disbelief, used in calling someone out on a fib or tall tale. Its origins stem from the commonly held belief that draconic “memories” of ancient events are little more than fabrications. See also Scale’s tale.
dragon’s teeth – a Terran curse based on their high regard of dragons, down to the incisors, apparently.
ghans – a peculiar word that has been found in some form in virtually every language, and always in a negative context. The general consensus is that ghans once translated to some form of hell or punitive afterlife. Whatever its original source might been remains unknown.
gulschist – a variant of schist, often used to express disbelief.
kresh – a curse used by non-Nebulans when out of earshot of Nebulans. It derives from the Kresh barbarians of myth, who ravaged civilizations before Terra Nova Unification. Even to the present it is a word of disdain synonymous with things uncouth or barbaric. Nebulans find the context highly insulting.
NCF – New Cannon Fodder. Mainly used by the Colonial Legion to denote raw recruits and transfers. Because of the generally dangerous nature of Colonial activities, newer personnel are often needed. Those that survive become the heart and soul of a regiment and its units; all others, until proven, are considered NCFs.
pik – highly offensive slang for male genitalia. Pikhead is a variant of this. It is considered offensive in polite company, but thrown around in virtually every relaxed circle of mainstream society. Its origins are unknown.
raid a bay – offensive phrase that implies sexual intercourse.
ruggin – believed to be derived from the Nebulan word rughin. Rughin has no clear translatable meaning but is considered extremely profane. Ruggin likely evolved from this, and is often used as a verb to imply a sexual act. As an adjective, it also expresses the greatest of disgust with something, many times emphasizing another curse.
Scale – derogatory slang for dragon, mainly used in non-Terran cultures.
Scale’s spheres – curse referencing dragon avas, which congeal into spheres of crystal when a dragon dies.
Scale’s tale – an expression of disbelief, used in calling someone out on a fib or tall tale. Its origins stem from the commonly held belief that draconic “memories” of ancient events are little more than fabrications. See also dragon’s dreck.
schist – slang for dung or excrement.
shlet – possibly from the Nebulan word shletsen. Both words mean “whore.”